Top 4 Benefits of Slow Travel: A Housesitters Perspective

Stephen and I just finished a 30 day housesit in Madrid, Spain and it was the textbook definition of SLOW travel. An intentional immersive experience into a place, community, and its people.

Since we started this travel journey in April 2021, we found ourselves moving fast. It wasn’t until we got to Spain, we both realized how much we needed a break to slow down and catch our breath.

Here are 4 takeaways we learned from our slow travel experience.

1. Gave Ourselves Permission to RELAX. The six months leading up to this one-month stay in Madrid were fast and furious. We often found it was like running a 100m dash. How many things can we see and do in such a short period of time? Often exhausted, we started to feel a little burned out and to be honest, a bit crabby at each other. Staying in one place gave us permission to create a routine, create predictability, and offer structure to our life. Wow! Didn’t realize how much that was important to our mental health. We rested, worked, and built-in days to play. Isn’t that how life should be?

2. Stepped Outside our Comfort Zones. Four weeks in Spain really pushed us out of our comfort zones to practice Spanish. Making reservations, buying groceries, talking to the delivery drivers, and learning to get around in the city really put us to the test and I must say, we were successful! Gave me the extra confidence I needed to engage more and really melt in.

3. Lived Like a Local. Unlike vacation travel, slow travel allows you to peek into the culture a bit more. We learned how to drive in Madrid, what’s with all the roundabouts? We shopped for groceries and learned how to adapt to traditional foods, ate later in the evenings (Spain doesn’t eat dinner until 9 pm), and explored the non-tourist areas locally.

4. Found Purpose in Giving Back. It can be pretty easy getting lost in the travel lifestyle when it becomes all about you. One way we benefited from slow travel was by becoming housesitters. WE LOVE IT. Taking care of someone else’s home and pets gives us purpose and selfishly helps us stay connected to animals. We enjoy knowing that homeowners can travel with peace of mind that their pets and home are in good hands. (To Learn More About Housesitting, visit our vlog)

There are so many benefits to slowing down this month. I am going to miss my predictable morning routine but I am also ready to step foot into our next big adventure. Morocco… here we come!


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